Wednesday, 11 June 2008


Camping, what could be more relaxing. A leisurely jaunt into the west sussex countryside may have seemed like the perfect way to unwind for messr Hindley and a few work chums. Yet what began as a quiescent afternoon quickly snowballed into a messy affair awash with talking cows, grand theft bateaux and a high river adventure that Mississippi's own mark Twain would have been proud of!

After a slow start Andrew hit top hedonistic form and was destroyed in that way we all know and love by mid afternoon. Continuing on well into the evening the heir to the Hindley empire decided that an evening constitutional away from the protection of the camp was exactly what the doctor ordered. Sauntering into a nearby field Andrew found that he was not alone but was in the company of some of Fresia's finest dairy cows. The charismatic Hindley engaged the cows in thought provoking conversation for a number of hours. Eventually he was captured by his workmates in the early hours of the morning and returned to the camp.

A beast that can never be tamed however, Andrew again decided that the camp could not hold his ambition for the evening and decided that if he couldn't escape on foot then he would find alternative means...Ever the keen sailor Andrew managed to locate a row boat moored nearby and recognised it's potential. Clambering into the vessel Hindley cast off into the meandering river and began to bob downstream. And so it was that at five thirty on Sunday morning Andrew began his journey down the wily, Sussex creek, seemingly at it's mercy with neither oars nor rudder to guide him on his the sun rose further, Andrew drifted into a drunken slumber.

Eventually andrew awoke as he crashed into the bank miles downstream, disoriented and scared, a look at his phone informed him that the campers were due to leave shortly and so Hindley began paddling upstream with his hands. After a number of miles, hands blackened from the muddy water and barely awake from fatigue and hunger Andrew made it back to camp where he was chastised for vanishing. Fiercely proud Andrew then made it clear that he had no intention of alighting from his vessel...until he was given a timely reminder that it wasn't actually his in the first place!