Wednesday, 9 January 2008


A born survivor Andrew has conditioned his body to deal with any eventuality. After a night out in Brighton Andrew was 1 pound short of the price for a chicken burger. Unfazed he managed to barter with colleagues for the elusive currency he required in exchange for going for a late night swim. An affinity for the sea has forged Andrew into a fine swimmer and he wasted no time in heading off to the beach where he cast off his clothes and headed out into the murky surf. December is a bitterly cold time of year on the seafront and a thick snowy blanket was descending upon the coast as Andrew trudged to the waters’ edge, triumphantly marching into the shallows with his arms raised in triumph.

Andrew’s night took a turn for the worse however as he was caught in a rip current and vanished beneath the waves a few meters out, surfacing a few seconds later as a mere silhouette in the distance and frantically paddling back towards the shore. Andrew fought the elements dragging him under with all his might and eventually returned, out of breath safely to the beach.

Andrew’s woe was not over though as a new challenge faced him. The current had dragged him down the beach and in the pitch-blackness Andrew couldn’t locate his clothing or belongings. Naked as the day he was born, close to hypothermia and with clubs on the beach emptying out in droves Andrew frantically scoured the coast for his clothing and his passport which he’d failed to give to friends…Eventually Andrew located his clothes and, without having anything to dry himself with, pulled them on and trudged, sopping wet, off to claim his hard earned pound, which enabled him to buy his kebab shop chicken burger. The second everyone got home Andrew cast off his salty wet clothes and enjoyed some down time (see photo)