Ever the rambler Andrew had become tired with living with strippers and drug addicts and decided a change was in order. Recently bouyed with a stable job and decent income things were finally looking up for our luckless hero.
Casting all problems out of his mind Andrew decided to sink a few jars in the local public house after a hard weeks work. These jars turned into shots, the shots turned into lines, the lines turned into Mandy and before he knew it Sunday morning was upon him. Looking at his bank balance Andrew was stunned to discover he'd spend an extreme amount of money and the only thing he had to show for it was two tickets to a Star Wars expo in Birmingham the following week. Still groggy Andrew sat up and purveyed his surroundings...this wasn't his room...where the hell was he! looking around however Andrew was surprised to see all of his belongings in boxes next to what was unmistakably his bed...Andrew left the room, now worried he was dreaming and looked around this foreign house attempting to piece together what exactly he was doing here. The house was empty but he recognized some people from pictures in the lounge as girls from the London office and slowly and surely he remembered talking to them about needing a change of scenery and a new place...And that's when it hit him... in his drunken state he'd moved house!
Running outside to check he hadn't move cities Andrew was releived to see that at least he was in the same town...foolishly though he had taken his old housekeys outside with him rather than the new ones and he was left waiting outside in his quilt for his new housemates to return.