Love is a strange thing. With mounting student debt, secret overdrafts catching up with him, personal loans, maxed out credit cards and no job Andrew felt that to go to see a girl he'd "sort of" been seeing for 2 months (during which time they'd both been unfaithful numerous times and Andrew had developed and lied about a rather impressive drug habit) a new credit card was in order. Andrew worked hard in the gym for three months and scrimped and saved to show her a really good time, hopeful that this time he could make it work.
He jettisoned off to the Sunshine State in such haste that he forgot to book ay accommodation, opting instead to head for the only other place he could go once he touched down... the bar. As he waited in ernest for his beloved Andrew began to sink a few Long Islands... then a few shot's of Diesel 153. When he awoke the next morning he was not by a girls side but rather in a friends house... apparently he was so drunk that she had left the bar in disgust on the mere sight of him.
Desperate to make amends and plead forgiveness Andrew, now less than flattering in appearance and odor, fumbled over to his would be lover's apartment and went inside... what the heart wants the body cannot always provide however as Andrew proceeded to vomit so violently and vehemently that he burst all the blood vessels in part of his face, turning the whites of his eyes a vicious, deep crimson that took the best part of a week to abate. looking like some freakish cross between a Manga cartoon and the Terminator Andrew picked himself up and vowed to himself that when his girl came home that night he would be a different person... twelve hours later he was off his mash at a party with a gang of Mexican's down International Drive... Andrew and the girl decided it would be better if they didn't see each other anymore.