Hurricane Season in the United States is no laughing matter. Homes are ruined and failure to prepare yourself properly can result in injury or even death. As hurricane Carla edged towards Andrew's abode people drained the supermarkets and chesmists for provisions and boarded up their houses for what was promising to be a long and terrifying 24 hours. Local's eyebrows were raised when they saw Andrew return from his ration run with two crates of Milwauke Best premium lager under his arms and a bottle of Creme de Menthe!!!
Overnight the storm raged hard, ripping tree's from the ground and leaving a trail of destruction in it's wake...As morning came Andrew was due to goto help the Hurricane Relief drive in work but he was nowhere to be seen, leaving some to think that he was still in bed or too afraid to venture into the hurricane. On route to the bus that would take them to work the other volunteers were more than a little surprised when walking past a bush they heard a rustling and grunting. Mistaking it for racoons or armadillo's the troop nearly jumped out of it's skin when a ragged Andrew, shoeless and cut to ribbons emerged from the undergrowth. Having seemingly just come to after god knows what sort of escapade Andrew, dedicated as ever, got on the bus with his cohorts and trundled through the eye of the storm to assist in the relief...though when he got to work he spent the next few hours sleeping in the laundry bin.