On a floatilla sailing holiday around the Canary Islands Andrew befriended the daughter of another sailor and slowly they began to bond. They both enjoyed the La's album and Bob Marley, they enjoyed daquiri's in the sunset and an oakey merlot under the stars. Andrew's muscles became taught and bronzed during his time at sea and her sunkissed air caught the shimmer of the surf as the boats cascaded across the waves.
Inevitably one night Andrew and the girl became more then friends as hey became entwined in a passionate embrace, discovering each other's bodies in the most intimate of manners...and at times doing things that are only generally allowed in Bangkok. All was perfect as they sailed into Gran Canaria, basking in their newly formed romance and soaking up the summer sun.
Andrew had been all to aware however of the girl's father who kept a disapproving eye on him throughout the weeks at sea. Maybe she had been hurt before, or maybe he was just a protective father thought Andrew...little did he know that there were far more sinister factors at play.
Never the best judge of age the sixteen year old Andrew found out just in time that the girl was in fact a little to young for him, in fact at twelve years old she was almost a little to young for high school! As word spread about their night of passion a very unsettled Hindley got word that the girls father, a ex navy-marine, was "looking for him," and, fearing for his safety, fled the island in a raft destined for the neighboring islands where he slept on the beach with neither food nor water until the girl and her father had set sail for pastures new.
On his return Andrew was quizzed about what had happened, in response he said "Age never came into it, she was highly developed for a girl of that age and knew things that belied her years completely"